

GI Application No. 602

GI Applicant : NERAMAC

Black Aromatic Rice locally named as Chak-hao is well known for its attractive colour and aromatic flavour and considered as on of the richest source of anthocyanin found among food grain product apart from its optimal content of vitamins, minerals, fibre, proteins, and many othe nutrients.

The uniqueness of the black aromatic rice of Manipur is, its pleasant aroma coupled with stickiness which is not common in other black rice grown in other parts of the world. Having realised the inherent unique properties, a good scope for commercial cultivation and value addition of its products for a profitable agro-business have already been envisioned with its gaining importance and demands from around the globe.
It is considered to be rice variety with a higher vitamin and mineral content than both white and brown rice. Black aromatic rice owes its colour to powerful natural black colouring pigments called anthocyanins which boast an impressive antioxidant activity adding to the health benefits of this rice variety. In addition to being a good source of vitamins E, fibre and protein, black rice is shown to reduce inflamation levels in the body. According to findings, black rice consumption contributes to the prevention and management of ailments such as atherosclerosis, diabetes, Alzheimer’s disease, hypertension, high cholestrol levels, arthritis, allergies, aging signs and even cancer.

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